A journey from a random guy to a random tech guy :D
A step-by-step guide on deploying an Express API to Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) running on AWS Fargate. · Important: This tutorial assume you...
Using Grafana, Prometheus, Node Exporter, cAdvisor, and Loki, Exposed via NGINX · This guide provides instructions on setting up a comprehensive...
Jupyter Lite Notebook is an incredibly versatile tool for working with code and data interactively and collaboratively. · Introduction: Jupyter Notebook...
Ultra-Light HTTP Server with Busybox HTTPD Applet Description: This Docker image is designed to provide an ultra-lightweight HTTP server optimized for...
This bash script exports all SSM parameters under a given path as environment variables and appends the export statements to the ~/.bashrc · 1. Add...
Paso a paso con imágenes · UPDATE 2021 Todos estos pasos son fácilmente reemplazables al importar tu repositorio hexo en vercel, pero si por alguna razón...